Well Easter weekend has come and passed. How did everyone do? Eat a bunch of stuff on Sunday that you regret still on Wednesday? I know I certainly thought twice about all the food I ate later on Sunday night. I had pancakes for breakfast on Sunday and then a few cookies at my mom's house. Later in the evening around 5:30 we had dinner at my in-law's house. Delicious spread of things like (of course) ham, deviled eggs, steamed vegetables, salad, homemade sausage and capacole. It wasn't exactly a bunch of bad stuff, just a little too much in the belly when all was said and done. In the end, I didn't really regret it, more like I was just trying to get comfortable later on the couch and I just wasn't able to very easily. It's alright though since Easter is once a year and there aren't that many holidays in a year like this. Plus, I feel like I kinda owed it to myself.

For a few reasons that I won't go into here, I was not able to run on Saturday. With Sunday being Easter, obviously I didn't run either. So rather than one day off on Friday, I had three in a row. Wow! I am gonna do all I can to not let that happen again anytime soon. It felt like I was off for two weeks. By the time I was done, my legs were more sore than any other times in recent history. I ended up short of my high of 5.24 when I finished at 5.07 miles. I was a little discouraged. I thought that the extra rest would have helped. Nope. On the calorie side, I did continue to burn more than previously with a high of 757 in the hour.
Last night was a different story altogether. I'm happy to announce that I cruised to a new high of 5.38 miles going well past my third goal of 5.25 miles almost three weeks early! I also burned 798 calories! I was literally seconds away from eclipsing 800. Oh well, that's just another number to beat. I am gonna work on the next goal of 5.50 miles. I hope to hit it by month end. I had to really push myself to get to this new high last night. The thing is, it seemed to come a little easier than the night before when I did over 1/4 mile less. My calves are very tender today. Walking is fine and going up stairs is no problem. Walking down though really takes a little more effort today. I hope to recover okay for tomorrow night. I'd love to beat both numbers but I do not expect to.
This post mentions that it's an update by the numbers so I will get right to them.
- 8 straight days of running 5 or more miles
- 12 straight days of running 4.5 or more miles
- 31 days of running
- High in calories burned - 798
- High in miles run - 5.38
- Average Calorie Burn - 570
- Average Distance Run - 4.27
- 132.06 total miles run
- 17,669 total calories burned
Chart #1 shows miles run with actual versus average
Chart #2 shows calories burned with actual versus average
FUN FACT: Cumulatively, I have run the distance from Cleveland, OH to Pittsburgh, PA so far.
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